Chad Shomura

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Chad Shomura is a political theorist, writer, and teacher based in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.

He received his BA and MA in Political Science from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and his PhD in Political Science from the Johns Hopkins University. He researches and teaches a variety of topics, such as affect, the human and its ecologies, uneven conditions of living and dying, and the struggles of minoritized peoples to survive and thrive. His work engages canonical and nontraditional political thinkers by drawing upon the insights of related fields such as feminist, queer, and American studies. He is currently writing a book entitled The Bad Good Life, which examines how the good life inhibits changes from being made to the sociopolitical infrastructure of the US.

Chad’s publications have appeared or will appear in Theory & Event, Deleuze and Race, qui parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian American Literary Review, and Redescriptions: Yearbook of Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory. Chad was an Assistant Editor for Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy and is on the editorial board of Capacious: The Journal of Emerging Affect Inquiry. He blogs at The Contemporary Condition.

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