01 May / Strange Future: Pessimism and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots by Min Hyoung Song [in Bloomsbury Review]

The Los Angeles riots that broke out on April 29, 1992, was a turning point for the Korean American community. But the events affected not only Korean Americans, but reverberated through U.S. society at large. Using seemingly unrelated examples from mainstream media, including the $42 million box-office bomb Strange Days, the multi-voiced one-woman show Twilight Los Angeles by Anna Deveare Smith, and Korean American Chang-rae Lee’s debut novel, Native Speaker, Song examines the far-reaching effects of the riots and the ‘strange future’ such events have brought forth.
Review: “In Celebration of Asian Pacific American Month: A Literary Survey,” The Bloomsbury Review, May/June 2006
Readers: Adult
Published: 2006