28 Mar / Vote for Me! by Ben Clanton

Given this is a presidential election year, I know you’ve been searching for the perfect (non-partisan!) political primer. Look no further … this is definitely it.
On the (left) blue pages, you have the Donkey grabbing your attention with a few compliments about your “great hair” and “dazzling smile.” On the (right) red pages, Elephant reminds you that “[y]ou’re too smart” to fall for such flattery, especially since he’s really the one who is so “adorable.”
The debate ensues as to who’s the very best candidate, complete with promises to voters for candy (“suckers”) and peanuts (although Uncle Sam is allergic). A cataloguing of various family connections on either side is also proffered, because knowing who’s who will surely help you get ahead in any race, right?
The mud-slinging proves inevitable, but both candidates soon enough see the error of their partisan ways. In a moment of wishful peace-making, blue and red literally become purple (oh, so very clever!) … at least until the independent little guy surprises everyone and becomes the Big Cheese.
According to his jacket flap bio, creator Ben Clanton “ALWAYS tells the truth”! Veracity notwithstanding, he certainly couldn’t have made up a more perfect name to author this truthfully delightful text. [Its deceptive simplicity, I must mention, is oh so wonderfully reminiscent of Lane Smith’s fantabulous (and Luddite-friendly) It’s a Book. Here’s hoping the resemblance channels some bestselling sales figures for Clanton’s menagerie, too.]
Go ahead, take a media break … not that politicking is ever a laughing matter (ahem!), but we’ll all be better citizens if we occasionally remember to indulge our sense of humor.
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Published: 2012