01 Sep / To Terra (vols. 1-3) by Keiko Takemiya, translated by Dawn T. Laabs [in Bloomsbury Review]

Here’s an inventive new manga series, this one by a woman. It’s set in the future when humans have all but destroyed planet Earth. Those who have survived the collapse have created the era of Superior Domination in which everything – and every being – has been computer-generated for the perfect balance of control and efficiency. But all computers have glitches (even in the distant future!), and a wayward mutant tribe with minds of their own – as well as significant telepathic powers – emerges that the universal computer cannot control.
Led by a reluctant new young leader just discovering his own supernatural capabilities, the mutant Mu are determined to find a way back home to Terra. Word of the day: ataraxia (which, ironically, is the name of a threatened planet): peace of mind and tranquility. Future life on Terra is anything but!
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2007 (United States)