01 Nov / The Reluctant Fundamentalist: A Novel by Mohsin Hamid [in Bloomsbury Review]

A deserved Booker 2007 shortlister, Hamid’s slim, powerful title is a deconstruction of the failure of the American Dream for those who look like the enemy. Changez is a young, accomplished Pakistani transplant with a Princeton pedigree, a top Midtown Manhattan money job, and even a growing circle of friends in all the right places. But after the Towers fall, he is under suspicion. Changez looks on as his American Dream pixilates and crumples and once seemingly wide-eyed wonder turns into outrage and betrayal.
Review: “TBR’s Editors’ Favorites of 2007,” The Bloomsbury Review, November/December 2007
Readers: Adult
Published: 2007 (United States)