11 Apr / The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa

In case you missed it … this post continues from the one just above …
Here’s the original novel that started the whole Haruhi Suzumiya empire: The original eight-volume series won creator Tanigawa major awards in his native Japan, with over 4.5 million copies already sold, plus Haruhi’s very own anime series even! True testament to the buying power of adolescent boys!
This first installment introduces the unpredictably eccentric Haruhi, her surprisingly normal sidekick Kyon, together with the bookish and detached Nagata (the alien), the gorgeous and malleable Asahina (the time traveller), and the newly arrived mysterious Koizumi (the time warping Celestial-destroyer). The trio of extraterrestrials each have things to teach the hapless Kyon, including making him realize that he is the central link to Haruhi’s happiness … which also means he’s vital to safety of the whole world.
Readers: Young Adult
Published: 2009