01 Mar / Talking to High Monks in the Snow: An Asian American Odyssey by Lydia Yuri Minatoya [in What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature]

Lydia Minatoya, a second-generation Japanese American, searches for her own answers to what it means to be Asian American. Her personal odyssey begins in upstate New York where the Minatoyas were the only Asian family in the 1950s, and continues through Japan, China, and Nepal, as her experiences become interwoven with the incredible tales of her Japanese ancestors.
A rare lyrical, haunting work filled with resonating images and evocative language. One of the most beautifully written pieces of prose, astonishing for its power to affect.
Review: “Asian American Titles,” What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature, Gale Research, 1997
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 1991