05 May / Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro [in AsianWeek]
Confession: I’m an utter Ishiguro groupie. His latest novel makes me only more obsessed, even as it completely creeps me out. Hailsham (halcyon? sham? ) is the English countryside boarding school where Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy grow up together. As the adult Kathy looks back on their lives, the truth comes out in bits and pieces, beginning with who they really are: clones who have been created to provide major body parts to “normal” people. Knowing that, you can’t put this one down.
Review: “New and Notable Books, AsianWeek, May 5, 2005
Readers: Adult
Published: 2005
By Adult Readers, British, British Asian, Fiction, Nonethnic-specific, Repost
in Tags > AsianWeek, BookDragon, Coming-of-age, Friendship, Identity, Kazuo Ishiguro, Mystery, Never Let Me Go