24 May / Limit (vol. 5) by Keiko Suenobu, translated by Mari Morimoto

So we’ve arrived at the penultimate volume of one of the most hair-raising manga series I’ve ever read – because a resemblance to reality is always more disturbing that any dystopic sci-fi for sure! Bullying, domestic abuse, high school caste systems, the careless power of popularity – that’s all in here … stripped down, laid bare, in a life-and-death situation of nightmarish proportions (most especially for parents!). Creator Keiko Suenobu’s never-still panels also seem to have picked up in pace, as fatal danger readies for another strike.
The six survivors of the fatal bus crash that opened volume 1 are down to just four: One of the children has turned into a serial killer … initially by accident, but now ready to purposefully carry out a diabolically simple plan. In the name of survival, the three girls have reached an uneasy truce. Hinata, the only boy and newbie of the leftover foursome, is remembered by Konno as the supportive all-around nice-guy at school. His initial encouragement of “Let’s all go home together” is now a tragically impossible dream … especially with the body count threatening to rise yet again. The desperate rescue mission continues, but can help arrive in time?
The final volume (shudder, shudder) debuts this summer: Who will be left standing? Parents, you’ve been duly warned …!!
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2013 (United States)