28 May / Asian North American Identities: Beyond the Hyphen edited by Eleanor Ty and Donald D. Goellnicht [in AsianWeek]

More than three decades after ‘Orientals’ claimed their identities as Asian Americans in the late 1960s, the said moniker no longer encompasses this growing group of Americans whose one commonality is an ethnic heritage linked to Asia. Ty and Goellnicht begin with adding “North” to ‘Asian American’ in their introduction, to consciously include Asian Canadians who have been on the periphery – if recognized at all – of the original Asian American movement. That search for identity continues through nine essays that attempt to suggest other means of expression, of invention, of community as we develop and stretch in both number and diversity of experience.
Review: “New and Notable Books,” AsianWeek, May 28, 2004
Readers: Adult
Published: 2004