19 Sep / Amulet | Book Four: The Last Council by Kazu Kibuishi

Although this newest installment arrived months ago, it somehow went missing, thanks to my son’s kleptomaniacal tendencies whenever he sees a Kazu Kibuishi title. Just finding it buried amidst his various piles of stuff (he keeps Books 1, 2, and 3 in the car for constant, easy access) was an epic quest! He did offer to trade Book 4 for (the as-yet unpublished, hello!) Book 5 before I went hunting … oh, impatient youth!
Book 4 begins with an uncertain journey: “I don’t trust these guys,” Navin immediately announces. As Emily and her family and friends prepare to be escorted to the legendary floating city of Cielis, they’re unexpectedly separated and their eventual destinations prove to be unwelcome surprises. Guided by Max, another young Stonekeeper, Emily, her brother Navin, and their mother are installed in a luxurious new suite in the Academy … and then locked in!
Meanwhile, Leon Redbeard and his companions are barred from entering the Academy walls and sent to wander the strangely deserted city streets; and Trellis and Luger are shut away without cause in an already-overpopulated prison.
Somewhere far away, Miskit and Cogsley find themselves in the middle of nowhere, perched atop an oversized nest. They’re miraculously rescued by Vigo, who turns out to be another renegade Stonekeeper. Vigo also knows a lot more about Cielis and the current Guardian Council … and the news isn’t good.
When Emily is called before the Council, she meets other young Stonekeepers … just before each must fight for survival. As Emily struggles to stay alive, help is on the way thanks to new Cielis-ian friend Aly (get it? as in ‘ally’!) and the re-inspired Vigo …
The latest adventure is as swiftly moving and heart-thumping as its three predecessors. I have that on tested authority from the target audience – obviously my son, ahem! Only warning: Be ready for the usual refrain of more, more, more!
Click here for the book trailer! Clearly an animated series must be coming soon??!!
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2011