03 Sep / 20th Century Boys (vol. 16) by Naoki Urasawa, with the cooperation of Takashi Nagasaki, English adaptation by Akemi Wegmüller

Back when Kenji and the gang were young enough to be concerned about little more than just having fun, an equally young Fukube was trying very, very hard to be included. When sharing his extensive, pristine manga collection doesn’t get him invited to “secret headquarters,” Fukube comes up with an elaborate hoax to make everyone believe he’s going to Osaka for the summer to experience the World Expo.
The only one who notices Fukube’s flaunting behavior is Sadakiyo, the boy who hides behind a garish mask, who is even more desperate to find a friend, any friend. Fukube agrees to becomes his “Friend,” although he has no friendly intentions or feelings toward the socially awkward outcast Sadakiyo. Even at that young age, Fukube has other subversive plans … Kids can be soooo cruel, especially to each other!
Fast forward back to the future, when Tokyo has been enclosed by an enormous wall, where the survivors of the latest deadly virus attempt to maintain some semblance of normal life. Siblings Sanae and Katsuo are perhaps more curious and questioning than they should be … as they nurse an injured stranger who confesses he’s been beyond the wall, their doubts about their overly controlled world only grow, until they prove they’re willing to risk their own young lives to find out more …
To check out the previous volumes of 20th Century Boys, be sure to click here.
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2011 (United States)
20 SEIKI SHONEN © Naoki Urasawa/Studio Nuts
Original Japanese edition published by Shogakukan Inc.