During the last forty years, we've seen huge strides in visibility within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer communities, but how many of those stories lift up the Asian Pacific American experience? In this series of short films, four APA elders share their experiences and thoughts about celebrating the past, what shifts brought us to today, and what the future holds.
Coming soon: video interview shorts with elders in Los Angeles, the South, and the Midwest
ADQLAPA uses the designation "queer" to understand sexual and gender identity as often fluid and complex, while recognizing the term's histories of derogatory usage and lasting pain for some LGBTQIA folx. (For resources on LGBTQIA terminology, see these helpful glossaries at PFLAG, GLAAD, Trans Student Educational Resources and this style guide at Conscious Style Guide. For a listing of Asian American and Pacific Islander-serving LGBTQIA orgs, see NQAPIA.)