14 Dec / Menu for Hope
Imagine this: donate $10 and not only can you feed a hungry child, you might win a visit with Ferrán Adrià at his famed Spanish restaurant elBulli’s test kitchen. Sound like a pipe dream? Well, Chez Pim’s Menu for Hope fundraising event makes it possible.
Triggered by 2002’s tsunami which devasted many parts of Southeast Asia–including my birthplace, Indonesia–Menu for Hope is now in its 4th year. In 2006, Menu for Hope raised US$60,925.12 to help the UN World Food Programme feed the hungry. This year, Menu for Hope is still supporting the UN WFP but the funds will be earmarked for the school lunch program in Lesotho, Africa, both nourishing kids and helping them stay in school so that they learn the skills to feed themselves in the future. What I totally love about the event is that for every $100 donated to Menu for Hope, nearly $87 goes directly to the school children and farmers in Lesotho. Read more here.
All you have to do is donate at least $10 and you stand to win an array of delectable culinary prizes. Every $10 entitles you to a virtual raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice (click here for the fabulous never-ending list).
If you’ve ever wondered how you can even begin to make a difference in eradicting world hunger, here’s your chance, even if it’s just one baby step at a time.