17 Aug / Asian ingredients at your fingertips
Whew … the last 6 months have whizzed by!
Little Isaac (who is not so little anymore) is a joy but I haven’t been able to do very much else except well, maybe to design an iPhone app.
I know it’s crazy but yes, I’ve launched an app called “Asian Ingredients 101,” a comprehensive glossary with photos and descriptions of a cornucopia of Asian ingredients ranging from sauces, spices to vegetables. It’s the perfect companion to The Asian Grandmothers Cookbook and perfect for any Asian food lover who finds it hard to navigate the aisles of an Asian market. It’s a work-in-progress so feel free to give me feedback and let me know what to include!
For more info or to purchase the app (it’s only 99 cents!), Please click on the icon below:
As grandma always says, please share:
Congrats on your baby!
The Ap looks terrific but can I buy it for a Blackberry?
Well done on two new creations.
Wonderful! Thank you. (runs off to buy it)
Wow! Such a great way to get the iphone weilding masses a convenient way to learn about more asian ingredients. Also super cool (if studying Chinese is your thing) is this iphone app, soon to be released:
It can instantly recognize and give you a definition of Chinese characters via the iphone camera. So useful!! Perhaps you can design your next version of the Asian ingredient app to have optical recognition capabilities… 🙂
Congrats on writing this app. Should be very useful. When I go to the grocery store, I often substitute ingredients for like ingredients if I can’t find the exact one the recipe calls for. The app should provide me with the information to make a quick and acceptable substitute if necessary 🙂
I’ve checked out the app and it looks great! Hope all is well and Baby Isaac is doing good!
Hi Pat, I have just downloaded the ‘asian ingredients 101’ icon on my iPhone. It’s cool! You should mention to me earlier. Hei … If you come to Jakarta next April, please buy the Asian Grandmother cooking book for me, I’ll pay for sure. Has been wanting that book for so long.