19 Dec / Tune | Book 1: Vanishing Point by Derek Kirk Kim

At 18, Andy Go “had life all figured out,” but then so much for best-laid plans: “None of it came true, of course. Not a single damn thing.” One morning he wakes fully clothed on his bed, in his room, in his (parents’) house … and as he’s groggily doing his business in the bathroom, he finally realizes “Something was horribly wrong.”
Rewind five months back: at the end of his third year of arts college, Andy announces to his buddies he’s quitting school: “I can draw! I can paint! I don’t see why I have go through another year of watercolor blends and contrapastos just get a piece of paper that says I can.” Two months later, he’s still couch-surfing and living with his parents who finally pass him the “Help Wanted” section. Luck isn’t on his side at first – Andy’s thinking “Assistant Editor,” but the disinterested employer’s offering mailroom or janitor.
Then he walks into an office and meets 481(4)-0427.05.03.D86 and 503(4)-0717.04.23.B101, whose employment contract offers a hefty salary, weekends off, three weeks of vacation, generous pension, health and dental benefits, and they’ll even throw in child support. But the job isn’t exactly local, and Andy’s just found out that the love of his life might not be unrequited after all. To sign or not to sign … Andy’s about to take the ride of his life!
Derek Kirk Kim who won the graphic industry triple crown – Eisner, Harvey, and Ignatz – with his debut collection, Same Difference and Other Stories, proves to be an epic jokester in this boisterous adventure, complete with goofy boy bonding, generational culture clash (“ai-goo” indeed!), coming-of-age first romance (queue soundtrack, please!), and intergalactic parallel universe science fiction. Kim’s also having quite the laugh, channeling his fellow buddies (did I mention goofy boy bonding? – page 123 is priceless!) including pop culture maven Jeff Yang and graphic artist Gene Luen Yang with whom Kim co-authored The Eternal Smile.
The “Book 1” on the cover, together with the “To Be Continued” on the final page, promises more escapades ahead. I’m definitely (can’t resist …!) staying Tune-d.
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2012