01 Nov / The White Swan Express: A Story About Adoption by Jean Davies Okimoto and Elaine M. Aoki, illustrated by Meilo So [in AsianWeek]

Adorable, fabulous story about four families who travel to China to meet and bring home their four waiting little girls.
Review: “New and Notable Books,” AsianWeek, November 1, 2002
Tidbit: July 11, 2014 – Twelve years after publication, White Swan is making headlines. One of the book’s adoptive families is a lesbian couple … which is enough to get the book destroyed by the National Library Board in Singapore. My, my, my … surreal how penguins, adoptions, and unconventional families can be so threatening to some. Read all about the fear here.
Tidbit Update: July 18, 2014 – Perhaps the international uproar against the National Library Board’s destructive book banning had something to do with their latest decision? So no pulping of White Swan Express and And Tango Makes Three, just moving those titles to the adult section. Right. You can read about the peripatetic plans here.
Readers: Children
Published: 2002
Hi Terry,
Thanks so much for including our book, The White Swan Express on your wonderful blog!
All good wishes,
Jeanie Okimoto
Wow! Do you have one of those widget-y things that tells you when your book is mentioned? That is so 21st century — I think I’m stuck back in the 19th! Thanks, too, for visiting the blog … come back again soon!
Hi Terry,
I’m actually a techno-peasant (I don’t even use a cash machine!) but google alerts sends me an email when any of my books show up anywhere. I got the alert about White Swan yesterday and went on the blog, which I loved! In fact, in the snail mail I’m going to send you my latest novel for adults, The Love Ceiling, the protagonist is Anne Koroda Duppstaad (hapa woman age 64) and the target audience is women over 50,60,70,80, 90…we’ve gotten a great endorsement from Chizuko Judy Sugita de Queiroz, artist and author of Camp Days 1942-1945. The official pub date for The Love Ceiling is Sept. 1, 2009 but it’s available now and I thought BookDragon might be a really fun place to send a copy. Again, thanks so much for having The White Swan Express on the blog!
All good wishes,
Luddites UNITE!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing your new title! WOW!