01 Oct / The Bridegroom: Stories by Ha Jin [in aMagazine: Inside Asian America]

Twelve short stories about daily life in modern China, penned by National Book Award winner for Waiting. The collection could be read as a companion title to Waiting, as Ha Jin returns to the same Muji City with another cast of not-unfamiliar characters, including a young woman coming back from the States, a college professor, factory workers, bureaucrats – the various haves and the have-nots who populate this too-quickly changing new world.
Review: “In Brief,” aMagazine: Inside Asian America, October/November 2000
Readers: Adult
Published: 2000
Hello. I will glad if you could help me with the matter of otherness in the nice story of the Bridegroom in some one else’s point of view , I mean another author’s point of view.