24 Jan / The Best Family in the World by Susana López, illustrated by Ulises Wensell

“I hope my new family is the best family the world,” Carlota wishes on her last night in the orphanage. Unable to sleep, she imagines what her new life might be like … living with pastry chefs in a fancy shop, sailing the seven seas with pirates, playing with tigers in a circus, or drinking milkshakes along the Milky Way …
Morning comes all too quickly and her new family is actually here! Her new mother isn’t a pastry chef but she brings her special snacks, her new father isn’t a pirate but he still loves digging for buried treasure, her new grandmother has two cats (not tigers), and her new brother has decorated her room with glow-in-the-dark stars she can count every night to sleep. Her ‘maybe’s and ‘what-if’s are all finally answered … and she knows indeed that she has the very best family in all the world.
Spanish television writer López,creates a touching, universal story of how families are made, not necessarily born. Together with Wensell’s whimsical drawings, Best Family proves to be a loving, gentle reminder of how perfect all sorts of families can be.
Readers: Children
Published: 2010 (United States)