17 Apr / The Adventures of Jack Lime by James Leck

Jack Lime is a self-described “detective, a private investigator, a gumshoe.” He’s also a new student at Iona High School, who landed mid-9th grade in the ultra-planned, exclusive community from the City of Angels to live with his grandmother after the tragic death of his parents in an automobile accident. His grandmother was the only one who refused to sell out to the mega-corporation that developed the little oasis, so Jack arrives already as an outsider-by-association. He’s also got narcolepsy, falling unconscious at the most inopportune moments.
But he’s not without enterprising ideas of his own. When his flashy city-boy ways don’t gain him social entrée, he turns to “fix[ing] problems for people who need their problems fixed.” What he asks for in return is not money, but a favor when he might need one most. He’s a junior Mike Hammer [my, how I’m dating myself now – go look it up for those who don’t know] for the 21st century as he chases down a missing bike, rescues a kidnapped hamster, and tracks down the school genius.
Divided into three cases, Canadian author James Leck reveals his star P.I. much as Jack solves his cases … clue by clue, detail by detail. While Jack comes off the page with a bit too much posturing at first (his opening case is overly complicated by puppy love blindness), he definitely proves himself more likable as the pages turn. Leck leaves a few clues unresolved, most definitely leaving Jack’s story open for a few more future cases …
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2010