Eight Million Gods and Demons by Hiroko Sherwin [in AsianWeek]
A family saga, set in Meiji Japan of the 1880s to the end of World War II, that weaves together the country’s tumultuous history with the story of...
A family saga, set in Meiji Japan of the 1880s to the end of World War II, that weaves together the country’s tumultuous history with the story of...
In spite of the comical nature of many scenes, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant is ultimately a heartbreaking story of a Chinese man and his family caught in...
Originally self-published in London by Sri Lankan-born Chandraratna, then becoming a contender for the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 1999, Mirage simply tells the heartbreaking story of Sayeed, a quiet man getting on in years...
The sequel to Mirage continues the poignant story of Sayeed, who wakes in the hospital unaware of the tragedies he has endured, and the hardships he still must...
Originally banned in China, To Live was the basis for the 1994 Cannes Film Festival Grand Prize winner of the same name, directed by grandmaster Zhang Yimou. A surprisingly slim volume, To Live tells...
A striking, original collection of multi-layered short stories about life caught between the old and modern, between expectations and hopes, between dreams and reality. The opening story, “Gopal’s Kitchen,” is especially poignant about a...
The long-awaited debut novel by the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning short story collection, Interpreter of Maladies, begins in 1968 with newlyweds-by-arrangement Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli living in Cambridge, Mass. They name their first child Gogol,...
A runaway bestseller in its native Britain and quickly climbing the charts on this side of the pond, Ali’s assured debut novel follows the life of Bangladeshi-born Nazneen, who arrives at age 18 in...
Her Bum Is on Fire: Jessica Hagedorn debuts with her latest novel After years of chatting on the phone and sending various e-mails back and forth, I finally got the chance to meet writer extraordinaire...
Living in the Space of 'In-Between': In any language, author Yoko Tawada is easily understood If I wanted to make my mother truly proud, I would finally complete either of the...
The woman who inspired the Taj Mahal had all but been lost to history until Sundaresan recreated her in her historical novel The Twentieth Wife, released earlier this year in paperback. Sundaresan...
The follow-up to the award-winning A Bridge Between Us, Shigekuni's newest novel tells the haunting story of Lily Soto, a young Japanese American woman who appears to have the perfect life with her adoring...
The third thriller from See to feature Liu Hulan, an agent for China’s Ministry of Public Security, and her husband, American lawyer David Stark. This time, they’re investigating a potential murder and archeological theft...
A wacky first novel about Korean American Ginger Lee, an English PhD dropout working in the fashion industry and trying to avoid her well-intentioned mother’s attempts to marry her off before she...
An entertaining, quirky, somewhat sad love story of sorts about a troubled young woman who marries a gay doctor and creates a new kind of family of her own. Review: "New and Notable...
A poetic first novel with some amazing images (“ … try to remember the wisdoms you unpacked that life scattered around your living room,” the author’s prologue begins) by an...
In alternating voices, this lyrical novel captures the relationship between two stepsisters – one a Japanese American, the other a blond Jewish-Catholic – who are so different and yet so alike, proving that some...
Debut collection of breathtaking, breathless stories by a half-Japanese, half-Irish American writer who seems to be searching for meaning in the spaces between war and peace, between being Japanese and becoming American,...
A young woman returns to her home in India after a seven-year absence and has a difficult time telling her family about her non-Indian fiancé. The story is an otherwise entertaining light read about...
Yes, that B.D. Wong of small and large screen fame. Following Foo is a heartbreaking, loving, hope-filled ride to parenthood for Wong and his partner who have twins with the help of a surrogate...