02 Mar / Seventeen Syllables and Other Stories by Hisaye Yamamoto [in What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature]

A collection of 15 short stories from Yamamoto’s almost half-century-long writing career. Although the stories cover diverse subject matter, some of Yamamoto’s recurring themes including multicultural and multiethnic interaction, multigenerational conflicts and difficulties that first-generation immigrants, especially Japanese American women, face in the New World.
This is the definitive collection of Yamamoto’s best short stories. Although not a prolific writer despite the length of her long career, Yamamoto is considered to be one of the best Asian American writers, producing the most consistently anthologized stories in the Asian American literary canon.
Review: “Asian American Titles,” What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature, Gale Research, 1997
Readers: Adult
Published: 1988