09 Jul / Paris Pan Takes the Dare by Cynthea Liu

At 12, Paris Pan is the youngest of three in the peripatetic Pan family. Their latest address has them domiciled in teeny-tiny small town Sugar Lake, Oklahoma, where Paris has to start all over again at a new school. Unlike her older sister who has groupies before the first day is over, Paris’s social skills are not quite as advanced.
In order to hold onto her tenuous new friendships, she must be willing to take “The Dare,” a rite-of-passage for 13-year-olds that involves spending the night in the same woods where a young girl was apparently murdered years ago, whose spirit quite possibly might still be around. Paris learns a thing or two about true friendship โย not to mention her own family! โย and even experiences the angst of first crush.
Cynthea Liu‘s easy-breezy style works especially well in creating believable teenagers-to-be in all their contradictory glory. And even the most self-absorbed of Liu’s tween readers will recognize and appreciate her entertaining characterizations.
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2009
So glad you enjoyed the book. You’ve captured the full breadth of the book so well.
I wanted PARIS PAN to be a book that kids on the verge of teen-ness could relate to, laugh through, and call a favorite. (So far, so good!) ๐
Oh more than just good! Hope the book does grandly indeed!
A friend who is a kiddie book specialist professor — I should have her post herself, huh??!! — had this to day about the book: “I just read Paris Pan a couple weeks ago. Charming, but I couldn’t read it at night because the doll imagery seriously scared me ๐ .”
So you’ve even got the adults running for cover! That says something grand, no?
Thanks for visiting the site! Come back soon. With more books, too! We’ll be waiting!
I tell you–grownups! They’re such wimps! ๐
Tip for adult readers: please make sure you are reading it under the supervision of a child. This book is rated CG-13. (No adult admitted unless in the presence of a child under the age of 13.)
And I’ll be back with more books for sure, Terry! Can’t wait!
Cynthea, I’m the wimp that couldn’t read Paris Pan at night! :0) But when I *could* read it, I enjoyed it very much. My research is on transracial Asian adoption, so I’m getting a copy of Great Call of China and am looking forward to reading that too ๐
Aha! You’ve been outed!! Hee hee ho ho. You’ll definitely enjoy Great Call, too!
Ha! Sarah, we have to toughen you up. Here’s how. Since I am a big fan of dares, I DARE YOU to watch the movie, THE GRUDGE.
I’ll let you watch it in broad daylight, too, with a dog for protection.
If you make it through without running for cover, you are officially COOL.
Let me know how it goes! ๐
And I hope you’ll enjoy THE GREAT CALL, too. I promise that one has no freaky dolls in it.
Cynthea, I do not accept your dare. I know my limits haha ๐
Oh, poo. *wimpus*
Actually, I wouldn’t take my own dare, either. Truth be told. Smart lady!