06 Jun / OY FEH SO? by Cary Fagan, illustrated by Gary Clement

“Every Sunday my two aunts and my uncle come to visit.” This isn’t exactly a joyous occasion for the three children who watch from the front window as the old Lincoln arrives in the driveway. They know only too well what to expect: “Oy,” sighs Aunt Essy, “Feh,” groans Aunt Chanah, “So?” quips Uncle Sam. “That was all they ever said.”
Until today: “… my brother, my sister, and I had a plan” that includes robbers, swords, a dragon (of course, hee hee!), and even space invaders. But nothing seems to faze Aunt Essy, Aunt Chanah, and Uncle Sam who won’t even budge an inch from the couch and chair where they seem to be permanently planted. And, no surprise, their monotonous vocabulary remains exactly the same even when the transporter carpet is headed into the spaceship!
Angry with their non-reactions, the three kids decide if they can’t change them, they’ll join them. “OY,” “FEH,” “SO?” indeed! This Sunday takes a wholly unexpected turn …
Author Cary Fagan clearly knows how to laugh … and you’ll be only too happy to join in. Thanks to illustrator Gary Clement, you might even recognize your own eccentric relatives on the page. Clement is Fagan’s perfectly matched energetic partner – your family’s oldsters never looked, or sounded this good, hee hee ho ho! Let the raucous delight begin …!!
Readers: Children
Published: 2013