14 Apr / My Father Knows the Names of Things by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch

With over 300 titles to her name, Jane Yolen simply couldn’t be more prolific!
Here she teams up with the whimsically fantastic illustrator Stéphane Jorisch who captures Yolen’s delight-filled father/daughter adventures as they meet dogs walking their owner, paint a room seven shades of blue, get up close and personal to curious fish, explore a field of flowers, sample colorful candies, and so much more.
“He points out everything we see / And teaches all the names to me,” the little girl thinks just as she drifts off to slumber land.
Yolen’s latest is a perfect way to end a special day, reading together all snuggled up with your favorite little (or big … no age or size discrimination here!) child, recounting the day’s adventures. Couldn’t be a cozier moment to decide together which blue – teal, azure, turquoise, cerulean, indigo, cobalt, or ultramarine – might be the most sleep-inducing blue of all …
By the way, this would make a really adorable Father’s Day gift … I know it’s a couple of months away, but never a bad thing to plan early (coming from a chronic procrastinator, ahem!).
Readers: Children
Published: 2010