25 Apr / Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz

Even if you’re not a dog-lover, you’ll pause and sigh over these pages, especially to look more closely as these expressive, trusting faces. And if you’ve been waffling about adopting that four-legged addition your two-legged offspring keep begging for, you just might be convinced … even if your allergies are gonna kill you.
Four furries inhabit Bedlam Farm in upstate New York, home to bestselling author and noted photographer Jon Katz. He’s built quite the career already with multiple dog-inspired titles (A Dog Year, Izzy and Lenore), but this is his first for younger readers. The little kids are not going to be disappointed. Neither will their parents.
Meet Rose, Izzy, Frieda, and Lenore. They each have important jobs on Bedlam Farm. “Rose herds sheep. Izzy visits sick people. Frieda guards the farm when she’s not causing trouble. Lenore lives on the farm too. What is her job?”
By explaining Lenore’s unique interaction with the other three dogs – teaching serious Rose to play, being frightened Izzy’s first friend, guiding wild Frieda gently home – Katz warmly shows how Lenore “makes sure everyone is happy.” Lenore’s job on Bedlam Farm “is loving and accepting and having patience.” Surely, we could all take a few lessons from sharing, caring Lenore.
Tidbit: How’s this for unique? This review is literally going to the dogs! I’m just giggling myself silly. And woof woof, too: http://bit.ly/dYCVId (click on the video)!
Readers: Children
Published: 2011