01 Dec / Half a Life by V.S.Naipaul
The latest novel by this year’s Nobel Prize winner examines dislocation, tragic relationships, and the ultimately redemptive powers of love. Willie Chandran, born in India to a Brahmin who married down, immigrates to 1950s London in search of a literary life, but moves again to East Africa where he finally finds a sense of home – and self. Chandran’s story continues in Naipaul’s 2004 follow-up, Magic Seeds.
Readers: Adult
Published: 2001
By Adult Readers, British Asian, Fiction, Indian, Indian African, South Asian
in Tags > Assimilation, BookDragon, Colonialism, Coming-of-age, Half a Life, Identity, Immigration, Love, Politics, Race/Racism, V.S. Naipaul