04 Mar / Growing Up on Grove Street 1931-1946 by Duncan Chin [in What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature]

The story of a young Chinese American boy growing up in a small produce town in California is told through wonderful sketches that capture the places, faces, and memories of a diverse childhood in a changing multicultural area.
The book’s foreword and afterword, written by Sandy Lydon (noted Monterey Bay Area history scholar and author of Chinese Gold: The History of the Chinese in the Monterey Bay Region), offer an insightful overview of life in small-town California, living among Chinese, Japanese, Slavs, “Okies,” “Arkies,” “Texies,” Mexicans, and other working folks, all in pursuit of the American Dream.
Review: “Asian American Titles,” What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature, Gale Research, 1997
Readers: Children, Middle Grade
Published: 1995