04 Mar / Dumpling Soup by Jama Kim Rattigan, illustrated by Lillian Hsu-Flanders [in What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature]

Every year, the extended Yang family gathers from all over the Hawaiian island of Oahu at Grandma’s house to celebrate New Year’s Eve. This year, young Marisa will help make the dumplings for Grandma’s famous dumpling soup.
Set in Hawai’i, a veritable melting pot of diverse races, this book represents a rich mix of customs and cultures through the depiction of the close-knit Yang family. While most of the family is of Korean descent, other members are Japanese, Chinese, native Hawaiian, and haole (Hawaiian for Caucasians). All together, they create a loving, sharing family who gather annually to celebrate their rich heritages. An exquisitely illustrated, heartwarming work.
Review: “Asian American Titles,” What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature, Gale Research, 1997
Readers: Children
Published: 1993