31 Aug / Drama by Raina Telgemeier, with color by Gurihiru

Just so you have a little warning, tomorrow (September 1) is #DRAMADAY. That means veteran comics-maker Raina Telgemeier‘s latest book hits shelves tomorrow … and she embarks on her latest tour this weekend. Here’s the final word, now: Drama is even better than Smile, which won Telgemeier the 2011 Eisner for “Best Publication for Teens.” That’s like winning the Oscar already!
Need more to convince you to read? Meet Callie: energetic drama queen with purple locks who can’t take center stage because she can’t really sing, but she can make that stage as the middle school drama department’s premier set designer. This year’s musical is Moon Over Mississippi and presents as much drama off stage as on … maybe more!
Callie’s crushing on Greg, who kisses her one afternoon, then ignores her the next day. MEN! He’s on and off again with Bonnie, who gets the female lead in the show. Ugh. Thank goodness Callie’s got great buddies backstage, including her BFF Liz who’s in charge of costumes. New friends, the twins Justin and Jesse (last name Mendocino, café au lait-tinted on the page, hints that Daddy might be a bit Tigerish with academic expectations … implications might suggest that they are … Filipino American?), take to the stage (one on, the other off), and bring even more delicious drama to Callie’s already complicated life.
Telgemeier pulls off a supreme performance, filled with middle school angst, questions of identity, hidden feelings, and oh so much delightful humor. Through all that emotional roller-coasting, Callie manages to present a rather superb production herself – we’re talking fireworks! Literally. Standing ovation, please!
Tidbit: From Raina Telgemeier herself (and with her permission): ” … good eye – Jesse and Justin are, indeed, Filipino! Based on two of my very best friends. And their lovably crazy dad. 🙂 .” I done did some accurate sleuthing!
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2012