04 Oct / Don’t by Litsa Trochatos, illustrated by Virginia Johnson
If you like to giggle and guffaw – and really, who doesn’t?! – have I got a book for you!
“Don’t start a food fight with an octopus.” Why? Well … “It has six more arms than you do.”
“Don’t stand next to an elephant with a cold.” That enormous trunk ain’t gonna do you any favors when it starts sniffling and snuffling, that’s for sure. Eee-yeww!
“Don’t let a penguin pilot your plane.” But he even looks like he has the right uniform on, right? Uh, no-no-no: “It can’t fly”!!
“Don’t play fetch with a turtle.” Hahahahaha! “It will take a very long time to bring back the ball.” Of course, if you’re on your way to old and decrepit (like I am, ahem!), you’ll at least get plenty of time to rest before you have to exert that throwing arm again!
Litsa Trochatos’ don’t-instructions are most definitely delightful, goofy entertainment for all ages – plus you’ll also learn an informative fact or two about animals. Even more funny-bone tickling, though, are Virginia Johnson’s irreverent illustrations: the high-chaired toddler losing his food fight to the eight-armed octopus, the ready-to-play little girl trying to shake awake the hibernating bear crowding her bed, the belly-laughing hippopotamus as he sends his playmate skyrocketing up from the seesaw. Best of all is the booty line-up at book’s end … surely, we’ll all be wagging our tails with gleeful mirth.
Readers: Children
Published: 2014