16 Mar / Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá, introduction by Craig Thompson

Daytripper is a gift of unexpected brilliance.
That’s all you really need to know.
And just as I soooooo appreciated knowing almost nothing about this title before I opened its enticing pages, I will try not to spoil a moment for you. If you’re not ready to go immediately to your local bookstore (best option) or click the ‘buy now’ button somewhere (my hypocritical modus operandi) then read further for a few clues. Although really, how could resist that inviting golden lab on the cover about to gently whoof you in, even if you’re not a dog lover? And if an animal can be that expressive, think of how the people inside cannot but help come magically to life? That’s what happens. Really.
Here’s the skeletal storyline: Brás de Oliva Domingoes’ father is a larger-than-life literary icon. Young Brás writes, too, but obituaries. He travels the world with his best friend, has a tumultuous first love experience, eventually meets his true soulmate, and creates a comfortable life together. He gets sent to cover a tragic event, finds his voice, and pens an award-wining, bestselling novel and proves he’s his father’s son after all.
But just HOW this story unfolds is the miracle that happens between these full color pages. More details I can’t divulge, because when you realize what’s happening, you will gasp. You will shake your head, you will want to rush through to the next section just to see if you’re right, and you will smile to yourself for your own cleverness, and then be AWED by these Eisner Award-winning twin brother creators of this surreal, shocking, gorgeous, mind-boggling, heart-tugging, tear-inducing (especially if you have kids), little literary miracle of unique artistry.
Readers: Adult
Published: 2011