29 Mar / City of Spies by Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan, artwork by Pascal Dizin

Young Evelyn gets dumped at her surprised aunt’s posh NYC penthouse so her neglectful father can take yet another honeymoon with the latest young wife. Evelyn’s managed to escape her lonely life by creating her very own manga series, “The Amazing Adventures of Zirconium Man and Scooter!,” not surprisingly in which her two superheroes resemble her missing father and herself – certainly an honor her neglectful father so doesn’t deserve!
Now spending the summer with her artistic, free-spirited Aunt Lia, Evelyn finds a real-live friend in Tony, the building super’s mischievous son. Once she gets over her initial shock of having a young person in her space, Aunt Lia proves to be quite a supportive ally … and has a few adventures of her own, thanks to her new young roommate. Out in the big city, America is at war with Germany and everyone seems suspicious, especially to highly imaginative kids like Evelyn and Tony … but this time, their suspicions end up saving the country!
Clever and inventive, Kim and Klavan offer middle grade readers both a fast-moving adventure with some important history lessons thrown in. Great combination for reluctant young readers … not to mention a not-so-subtle reminder to parents who might need a nudge or two regarding their younger responsibilities. AHEM to that!
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2010