The Door to Bitterness by Martin Limón [in AsianWeek]
Two American GIs stationed in Korea get caught up in a complicated casino robbery – and the layers only thicken from there. ‘Course, where there are GIs, there are prostitutes – don’t...
Two American GIs stationed in Korea get caught up in a complicated casino robbery – and the layers only thicken from there. ‘Course, where there are GIs, there are prostitutes – don’t...
First off, I want to announce that I have actually read Marcel Proust: madeleines, mothers, memories, and all. But admittedly, only under great duress as I had to pass my college...
Another two delightful chunky books for the tiniest hands to manipulate and learn the basics of how these big vehicles work.
Review: "New and Notable Books," AsianWeek,...
Here’s the everyperson – or should that be every non-Asian person’s? – guide to debunking the Asian mystique, written by a non-APA with 15-plus years experience of writing about Asia. While the aware APA...
When Kellach and Driskoll’s beloved mother reappears after mysteriously disappearing five years ago, the family’s initially joyful reunion is overshadowed by the presence of evil. It’s up to Kellach and his girl-power buddy Moyra...
A stirring collection of portraits of activists, writers, artists and (even!) politicians accompanied by stirring quotes. Mini-bios are available in the back. But where are the APAs among...
Uh-oh! Every time this energetic little girl is ready to go out, the weather changes, but nothing deters her delightful determination to have a great day.
Review: "New and Notable Books," AsianWeek, June...
Sweet Briar Skunk remembers how she felt when the other animals were not very welcoming on her first day of school. So at camp, she comes to the...
A delighful underwater pop-up journey with Samantha Squid as she introduces all her favorite sea friends.
Review: "New and Notable Books," AsianWeek, June 30, 2005
Readers: Children
Published: 2005...
America – home of the best minds in the world? As Florida challenges, take a hard look at the 21st-century United States: That position of leadership is anything...
A little boy composes colorful poems to go with an array of origami treasures, from animals to flowers to nighttime stars.
Review: "New and Notable Books," AsianWeek, May 26,...
Confession time: I was ready to hate these – those names, for heaven’s sake! But how entertaining – and empowering – to have a hapa Chinese American girl, Agatha Wong, and her...
No woman should be without this book. And if you already have the original, go out and get this latest 35th anniversary edition – it’s got some 50% new and revised material...
Confession: I’m an utter Ishiguro groupie. His latest novel makes me only more obsessed, even as it completely creeps me out. Hailsham (halcyon? sham? ) is the English countryside boarding...
Photographer Yoshio Komatsu captures the homes of 10 families in 10 countries, including Mongolia, Indonesia, Tunisia, and Bolivia. The photos are paired together with an illustrated glimpse of the everyday lives inhabited within.
Review: <a...
A gorgeously rendered tale about yet another evil stepmother who turns the good and beautiful stepdaughter into the Loathsome Dragon, awaiting three kisses from her beloved but missing brother. Of course, since Bruno Bettelheim...
While it isn’t strictly APA, I couldn’t resist this eye-opening romp through wifehood over the centuries – from wifelash (think Grace in Will & Grace being ultimately insulted when Will tells her...
My husband started out a philosophy major until his father declared in no uncertain terms was he never going to pay that kind of money for his son to sit around talking...
Part of the recent Hopscotch Hill School series on challenges young children might face in the classroom. A little girl has great ideas at the start of a project but a tough...