Given that gang violence, unfortunately, makes for all-too-familiar headlines, the story of a gang truce is truly noteworthy news to be lauded and emulated. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, New York's Bronx was both a haven for poor ethnic communities pushed out of Manhattan, and...
Sometime in the winter, Mia's "far-away grandmother" arrives to live with her family. "'Abuela belongs with us now,’" her mother explains. On the first evening together, Mia realizes Abuela "can't unlock the English words," but at least they can communicate over two treasures Abuela pulls out...
Being the new kid (again) in high school is hard enough, but for Nick Pearson, he also has to get used to a new name and a whole new identity that comes with his latest 'fake ID.' Every time Nick (nope, not his real name) and...
Rad American Women A-Z is the first-ever kids' title in 60 years of "storied history" from San Francisco's iconic bookseller/publisher City Lights. What a way to grab attention ...
CJ feels the rain, and plaintively asks his nana, "'How come we gotta wait for the bus in all this wet?’" Doesn't help that CJ's friend happens to drive right by with his dad in their own car. But never, ever underestimate Nana's wisdom because she knows exactly...
When Antonio goes to hear a mariachi band with his family, he can hardly take his eyes off the guitars. But his request for a guitarra is met with a frown as his Papa explains that he has "no money for such things." All he...
If we didn't have our grandmothers, we wouldn't have our mothers to appreciate today (and every day, ahem) ...
"My Tata has been helping people feel better for as long as I can remember," young Aaron explains about his beloved grandfather. "He helps my family and me when we get hurt or feel sick. He helps the neighbors too. All anyone has to do is...
Winner of the 2011 New Voices Award from innovative multi-culti press Lee & Low, journalist/new author Jennifer Torres’ Finding the Music hit shelves earlier this month. [In case you need the exact details, the original title was Live at the Cielito Lindo, the publisher is Children's Book Press – one...
Some of us should probably stay out of the kitchen – "cooking is not one of your strong points," Eldest remarked gravely the other day after the rice fell and the chicken was way too dry (and we had guests, egads!). To avoid such culinary disappointments,...
As the story begins, the titular 'I' is dead. That's actually not a spoiler – "The day after Meg died ...
Well, of course, the year I'm mostly out of DC, Brando Skyhorse is the Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Residence at George Washington University. Not that I have any affiliation there now (only a leftover GWU ID from when I took a couple of classes 3.5 decades...
These days, too many young folks know little of life before smart phones enabled virtual instant access. Last century – in the 1990s, that is – something called 'zines' gave voice to angry young voices ...
Ready for an around-the-world, invigorating, aquatic tour? Readers: get ready to be refreshed, guided by Pat Mora’s verses and Meilo So’s artistry...
Girls on the Edge Adolescence without instant uploads, 140-character confessions, and constant connectivity was just so last century – survival in the 21st means a whole new set of unfamiliar, unpredictable challenges. In four recent, better-not-miss novels for young adults, four diverse women writers amplify the modern...
Originally titled "A Visit from St. Nicholas," Clement Clarke Moore first shared his iconic poem with his children on Christmas Eve of 1822. Better known by the first line, "’Twas the night before Christmas ...