13 Mar / Cardfight!! Vanguard (vols. 3-4) by Akira Itou, translated by Vertical, Inc.

Welcome back to the massive media franchise that is Cardfight!! Vanguard, which includes a multi-season anime series, official trading card game (each manga volume continues to be packaged with a limited edition playing card), and live-action film. In spite of a mostly-digital playing field these days, cardfighting actually requires face-to-face human interaction with printed cards on paper! Gotta love this seemingly retro-throwback series just for the screenless live interaction!
So let the games resume!
In volume 3, the Card Capital is indeed coming into its name, drawing in even former enemies, namely the Foo Fighters, temporarily ousted in the two previous volumes. Now having mastered PSY Qualia – a mysterious psychic ability that seems to ensure victory but at a very high physical cost, especially for the loser – Foo Fighter’s baddest boy Ren Suzugamori is on the hunt for worthy opponents. He’s never been able to beat top fighter Kai, but Ren is determined to wield victory once and for all.
Volume 4 begins with Ren and Kai finally facing off. But Ren still can’t believe that Kai actually lost to his young friend Aichi. Suddenly, all the very best fighters find themselves in one room. Kai, knowing the destructive power of the cards, urges Aichi to give up fighting, but Aichi has no wish to “go back to being the way [he] used to be .. all alone, having nothing.” Ren is only too happy to fuel Aichi’s fighting spirit. He’s going to to anything and everything to challenge both Kai and Aichi. Oh, elusive victory … but at what cost?!
“Stand up, the Vanguard!” We begin. Again.
Readers: Middle Grade
Published: 2012 (Japan), 2014 (United States)