25 Jun / Bella’s Rules by Elissa Haden Guest, illustrated by Abigail Halpin
Meet irresistible, rambunctious, adorable Bella … who so resembles two teenagers who seem to have taken over my own house, ahem! “Bella knew the family rules, but she liked her own rules much, much better.” The “no such thing as bedtime” seems an especially revered, universal kiddie convention!
Bella gleefully exhausts her parents and utterly controls her befuddled babysitter … but maybe her grandmother will know what to do. When Granny arrives, she brings with her a most exciting “love at first sight”-gift: Puppy!
No matter how lovable he is, however, “… sometimes Puppy’s behavior was too wild, too rude and too risky!” Sound familiar? With Mommy, Daddy, and Granny’s help, Bella starts teaching Puppy a few new routines – no jumping on the counter, no peeing indoors – making life that much easier (and happier!) for everyone in the family. Yes, rules can do that! What a concept! “Of course, every once in a while a rule is meant to be broken,” Bella ponders. But that’s a whole other story, right?
Elissa Haden Guest‘s exuberant morality tale finds perfectly matched synergy with Abigail Halpin‘s exhilarating illustrations. The look on Bella’s parents’ faces will be humorously familiar, babysitter Sammy’s shock so recognizable, and Granny’s knowing understanding oh so comforting. Bella, of course, is the major star, able to go from delighted to distraught in a nanosecond flat. Her charm is limitless … mud shampoos and plate sculptures aside, she just might inspire you to reclaim some of your crazy childish adventures, too.
Just try not to break tooooo many rules! And don’t let the kids catch you! We’re supposed to be responsible adults, right??!!!
Readers: Children
Published: 2013