01 Feb / Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee [in Bloomsbury Review]

Seventeen-year-old Maybelline Mary Katherine Mary Ann Chestnut, aka “Maybe,” escapes the clutches of her slimy stepfather-to-be, for whom her ex-beauty queen alcoholic mother insists she’ll walk down the aisle a seventh time. Maybe decides it’s high time to go find her real father, the one man her mother didn’t marry.
With her best friend Ted, a Thai American adoptee with the best parents ever, the pair hitch a ride cross-country with a third friend, aptly named Hollywood, who’s bound for – where else? – film school in Los Angeles. Away from smalltown Florida, Maybe finally seems to fit right in with her Kool-Aid hair and oversized black t-shirts. Ted finds the job of his dreams, Hollywood’s making his first real movie, while finding Daddy turns out to be much harder than Maybe ever imagined.
Readers: Middle Grade, Young Adult
Published: 2009