01 Apr / The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers by Sarnath Banerjee

I have to admit that I had never heard of Indian graphic novels (just not on my radar, even though I have a heavy South Asian diasporic literary bent because of my Smithsonian APA Program work) until traveling in India. I read twice about Sarnath Banerjee’s work which was enough to go seeking a book store. Any excuse to buy more books, of course!
His second title, which I read first, begins “This book is inspired by history but not limited by it.” Indeed, Banerjee combines historical events and places, family legends, his own travels and experiences, all together with modern angst and dislocation (as well as color photographs cleverly embedded and combined into some of his graphic panels) to create a globe-and-time-hopping adventure mystery love story of sorts, both mind-boggling for its jumps and entertaining for its freshness.
Readers: Adult
Published: 2007, 2008 (United States)