13 Jun / 20th Century Boys (vol. 09) by Naoki Urasawa, with the cooperation of Takashi Nagasaki, English adaptation by Akemi Wegmüller

Stuck in a virtual version of 1971, Koizumi Kyoko knows that unmasking the Friend will have irrevocable consequences. Past and present, both the 1971 and 2014 versions of the Chief try desperately to save her …
Out in Neo Tokyo, Kanna has no more patience left. She’s willing to literally gamble anything and everything she has. She decides now is the time to put those inexplicable childhood gifts to use – you’ll have to read to find out just how powerful our young Kanna really is.
With Uncle Kenji’s Book of Prophecy (written circa 1969) in hand, Kanna’s got a plan. She claims a Catholic Church as her battleground (see what going to confession can get you?!), and manages to gather thousands, including the mafia leaders that terrorize the streets of Neo Tokyo. She doesn’t yet know about The New Book of Prophecy, nor just who the next sacrificial victim will be. The eerie stage is set, complete with an oversized crucifix looming above the altar as Kanna’s backdrop. And the promise of the Holy Mother seals the deal …
Catholics of the lapsed/recovering/in denial variety will certainly share a shudder or two or three … you can take a kid out of CCD, but you certainly can’t ever take that CCD out of the frightened kid, egads! I oughta know, ahem!
To check out the other volumes of 20th Century Boys, click here.
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2010 (United States)
20 SEIKI SHONEN © Naoki Urasawa/Studio Nuts
Original Japanese edition published by Shogakukan Inc.