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John “Prime” Hina is a product of the housing projects, having been a well-known graffiti and gang tagger who got into trouble with violence and drugs. Since the late 1980’s, Prime has become a successful community worker, business and family man. In turning his life around, John has found a highly effective way of steering youth from the dangers inherent in growing up in at-risk neighborhoods, and turning them into community-minded artists and cultural workers. His unique method of youth development is rooted in the art of graffiti muralism, a visual vocabulary of the streets that he has harnessed as a cultural tool for positive social change. John has created over 50 public murals and coordinated numerous public arts events on O’ahu in the past 8 years.

Adam Labuen

Adam Labuen

adrienne maree brown

adrienne maree brown

Alexandra Chang

Alexandra Chang

Andrew Rebatta

Andrew Rebatta

Betsy Huang

Betsy Huang

Chad Shomura

Chad Shomura

Charles Jean-Pierre

Charles Jean-Pierre

Chinatown Art Brigade

Chinatown Art Brigade

Christian A. Mendoza

Christian A. Mendoza

Christine Sun Kim

Christine Sun Kim

Christopher Mah

Christopher Mah

Daniel del Pielago

Daniel del Pielago

DJ Rekha

DJ Rekha

Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez

Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez

Erin O’Brien

Erin O’Brien

Evan Keeling

Evan Keeling

Jaret Vadera

Jaret Vadera

Keanu Sai

Keanu Sai

Lisa Park

Lisa Park

Matt Huynh

Matt Huynh

Museum of Impact

Museum of Impact

Naiʻa Lewis

Naiʻa Lewis

Nia Keturah

Nia Keturah

No Kings Collective

No Kings Collective

Paul D. Miller

Paul D. Miller



Samson Young

Samson Young

Saya Woolfalk

Saya Woolfalk

Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay

Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay

Secret Identities Universe

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Sheldon Scott

Sheldon Scott

Solomon Enos

Solomon Enos

Taeyoon Choi

Taeyoon Choi

Thomas Mader

Thomas Mader

Wiena Lin

Wiena Lin

Yumi Sakugawa

Yumi Sakugawa

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