Keanu Sai
Keanu Sai has a Ph.D. in Political Science specializing in Hawaiian Constitutionalism and International Relations, and a is founding member of the Hawaiian Society of Law & Politics. He served as lead Agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, Netherlands, from November 1999-February 2001. He also served as Agent in a Complaint against the United States of America concerning the prolonged occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, which was filed with the United Nations Security Council on July 5, 2001. Articles on the status of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent state, the arbitration case and the complaint filed with the United Nations Security Council have been published in the following journals: American Journal of International Law, vol. 95 (2001); Chinese Journal of International Law, vol. 2, issue 1, (2002), and the Hawaiian Journal of Law & Politics, vol. 1 (2004).
Adam Labuen
adrienne maree brown
Alexandra Chang
Andrew Rebatta
Betsy Huang
Chad Shomura
Charles Jean-Pierre
Chinatown Art Brigade
Christian A. Mendoza
Christine Sun Kim
Christopher Mah
Daniel del Pielago
DJ Rekha
Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez
Erin O’Brien
Evan Keeling
Jaret Vadera
Keanu Sai
Lisa Park
Matt Huynh
Museum of Impact
Naiʻa Lewis
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No Kings Collective
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Secret Identities Universe
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